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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Im sorry Charlie, you might have some Competition

Charlie the cutest,
Guess what? I DIDN'T just sit on the plane for four hours doing nothing.
Oh and Blue Eyes? Yea he has a name. Destan. Heehee...
What? I feel like that name deserves a little girlish giggle. And if I can't giggle in the outside world I might as well here...
So yes his name is Destan, like DESTiny. See what I did there? It's called a play on words.
Anyways we started talking...and well you know what? I'll just write down the exact words :)
"Alright, it's too quiet!" Destan exclaimed, as i looked up from my book laughing.
"Don't think im crazy," he half turned to look at me. "Im serious," he moved in closer to my face, "I mean can you at least talk to me, because I think if I have to stay quiet that I might just impl-," I put my finger on his lips and replied with an easy "Shhh".
Then I realized i was touching him. His lips. Destan, beautiful, tone. Destan's lips. And I still hadn't removed my finger from them.
He smiled. And then stuck his tongue out.
"Ewww! I can't believe you licked me!" My comment was proceeded with a Hush from the rest of the plane. Destan stared at me and laughed, which was a gorgeous laugh just by the way. Anyways this caused me to laugh seriously bad, and by the time we were done he looked up at me, eyes watering.
"Wow, I haven't even learned your name and yet you've made me laugh harder then any of my other friends have for a seriously long time." Other friends? Does that mean I'm one too?!
"Then maybe you should stick with me." Wow. Did i really just say that?! Where did all this courage come from?!??!!
"That's my name."
"OH!!! Ayla!"
"Wow, that's...that's a beautiful name. And may I say, it's a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand, and I placed mine in it. I thought we were going to shake hands but I guess he had something else in mind, you know, since he brought it up to those lips and kissed them. Wow. No. Woah. I cocked my head to the right and smiled. This is great and not even Kay- NO! I can't believe I thought about him. Okay Charlie I know I haven't told my full story but Destan just woke up!!!! (He's sooooooo handsome when he sleeps) I got to go! Fill you in next time!!!
With Love,

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mr. Blue Eyes and Dark Hair

Dear Diary  Hello Love Of My Life,
I have changed your name to Charlie and you will now be my secret lover, simply because when im all alone in New York I'll be writing my personal story, a story that is mine only, so why should you, the book containing my story, be called Diary? I mean Im pouring my heart and soul out to you, so I might as well give you a special name, not just plain old diary. :)
Anywayzs this is only my second page and there are enough "feelings" to last me a month of pages…so please enjoy this short story of my plane trip…so far.

I walked to my terminal and followed the blue arrows until I reached the entrance of the plane.

“Here goes nothing,” I whispered under my breath.

 Breathing slowly I paced through the tunnel and onto the plane. Oh. My. God. In my hands I hold a one way ticket to New York City. NEW YORK CITY! Could life get any better? I took my seat by the window and put in one of my earphones. I was so distracted with what can happen in the future that I didn’t realize what was occurring in the present. Well at least not until I heard the seatbelt next to mine click. Oh no… what if it was one of those people who go to sleep and snore loudly? Or a perverted old man! Or even worse… someone on a plane for the first time.

I waited a minute until I turned my head. Consequently he decided it was time to look at me too. To look at me, of all people on the plane, with those blue eyes and dark hair, he decided to look at me. And then smile.

“I'm jealous,” jealous… jealous of what? “I tried to get here earlier just so I could sit by the window, but somehow you beat me to it.” Oh, easy fix.

“Do you want to switch spots?” I asked.

“Oh no, it’s fine, really.”

“Well how about at the next stop, that way its fair?” I smiled.


And that was it people. Mr. Blue Eyes just wanted my seat. And he got it.
What? He didn’t get it yet. I mean…I'm still sitting in it, and i still have 4 hours left. AND oh my gosh, did you notice?! I am SOOOOO pushy! I mean wow, I practically forced him to agree to accept my offering and he probably thought I was some freaky weirdo! Then again... Alright so I guess I'll tell you what happens after we switch :)
Until Next Time My Love!!!!!!!!!

Goodbye Highschool (Hello Anthony Stewart Head!)

Dear Diary. No, wait scratch that. That's too...too easy, too simple. Not enough to express the way I’m feeling right at the moment I’m writing this. And I ALWAYS want to remember the way this felt.
The way this feels.
Wow okay, too much feeling, but let me run this through my head again.
I. Am. Done. :o
I'm done. :)
Throw me a party baby cuz I'm finished!!!! >:D
Yessiree, I’m finished with high school! No more watching losers sit around, or gossiping freshman! No more stupid idiots who can't understand that not everything in this world is about partying and drugs! No more bossy teachers who think they know everything!

Sorry I was a little too riled up and rioty. I will seriously miss some things though...okay fine, and some people. Like the Librarian. I swear that man has that whole Giles thing going. Andrew Stewart Head, best british guy ever, just BTW <3. And yea I guess I'm going to miss some others...don't push me cuz I am SOOOOOOOOOOO not going to talk about that certain person at this moment. MY moment. This page is pure Ayla and no HIM is involved. No matter how many times he steals my spotlight, this one is permanently mine. Hell, not even his name is allowed. OKAY? Okay.

Jeesh, Alrighty then. Crazy chick up there --------^. But hey, whatever. Right? So anyway you're probably all like "Alright, psycho women, what are you doing next, eh? What's you're new plan? What's going to bring you one step ahead?"
New York. Yep. The big apple. I know, I know. Sooooo cliché, right? Whatever, it’s going to be amaaaaazzzinnnggggg. And even you, Mr. "I'm the opposite you in your head freak", cannot, will not, bring me down. Cuz this feeling, this freedom...
It's amazing.

Picture of the day! (I sooooo would have a crush on him...if I was, you know...older.)